
for your ears only

a soundtrack for missing your girlfrend

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track list

loukeman - snoopy

im yr puppyyy

doss - strawberry

i was so obsessed with this song when i met you. whenever i listen to this song it reminds me of when i met you and explained the shoegaze manifesto that i had. when you understood my vision immediately i knew i had to keep talking to you.

saroise dream - five

the time when you came to visit me in october and got this song stuck in my head is such a clear memory for me. the fact that something i kept saying over and over again became something we started doing together made so happy. when we went to that party and i introduced you to musa it was so crazy bc it felt like this thing we did somehow came full circle. whenever i listen to this it reminds me of enjoying fall with you.

bh - red blue and green lights

i was so used to doing everything by myself and suppressing things that made me feel like myself. when i came to visit and you started dancing while walking and were like “this is the perfect walking song” i felt this crazy sense of freedom… you made this side of me i felt like i’d been hiding for so long come out. i feel like yr really good at doing that.

instupendo - chalk dancer

this song meant so much to me even before i met you. when i still was in florida and had ptsd stuff i would put this song on and whenever it said “focus, pay attention” it would snap me back and help me drive. but the more i got to know you the more i started hearing it but with your voice, and suddenly this comfort song became a reminder of you.

izzard - saturday football

i remember showing you this song when were laying down in the grass. i didn’t know it then but the line “im in love when im with you” would become a lyric that started to play louder and louder in my head the more time we spent together. i always end up listening to this song when i miss you.

sora - fold air

i remember when you recommended me this album and i started listening to it and i was like “woah this is so awesome”. i started listening to it a lot and i would put it on before going to sleep and it started to recontextualize how i approached music. i even remember listening to it on the way back after i dropped u off on the train. i thought it was so cute when u got all happy when i made that post abt you with it.

skirts - night walks

this song perfectly sums up how it felt after u left in december “i keep putting my hands where you used to sleep”. it was so weird going to bed without you, it really felt like u were just a part of me and everything felt weird without you being a part of it.

kitchen - i want you

do remember when i used to say “i want you” when we first started seeing each other?? i think this is the song that would play in my head whenever i would say that. now that i do have you, i’m so beyond happy cuz u make my life so awesome. it rly wouldn’t be the same without you.

sundots - be

i think i wanted you so bad because i wanted you to be a part of my life. you made me so happy and even now i want to mean everything to you because you mean that much to me. i want every part of you to myself and i want you to feel that.

petal supply - person

you used to sing this song all the time when i met you and something about your voice singing it was so comforting to me. even though i didn’t really listen to it that much, it became something that meant a lot to me because you liked it. so, when we made out infront of her to with that song it felt like our kiss had crazy fireworks. i think it was probably the happiest i’ve ever felt in my life.

jane remover - magic i want you

i love listening to this song with you and i think it’s so awesome that we equally love this song. it was so fun when we got drunk and started rapping over a beat we drunkenly made together. i think it was so beautiful seeing this new carefree artistic version of you come out. seeing how much fun u were having made so happy and since then all i’ve ever wanted was to make u feel that all the time.

misogi - escape artist (bonus song)

i wanted to include this song so bad but i couldn’t get it to fit in the playlist, but i feel like sums up how i feel about us perfectly. i’m so happy when i’m with you and i see you everywhere when you’re gone.
